Why to choose NCERT Books for CBSE Board Exams?


CBSE » Why to choose NCERT Books for CBSE Board Exams?

NCERT refers to the National Council of Educational Research and Training, an autonomous government body. The objective is to undertake, promote and coordinate research in areas related to school education; prepare and publish model textbooks, supplementary material, newsletters, and journals; develop educational kits, digital multimedia materials, etc.

NCERT Books for CBSE Board Exams? The benefit of NCERT books is that they reflect the syllabus of the school education system in India. They are designed specifically for the CBSE board exam. They provide books for the social sciences, life sciences, physical sciences and mathematics.

The benefits of NCERT books include being easy to understand and covering all the school curriculum’s essential subjects. It is an excellent option for students who wish to build a strong foundation in their subjects.

If you need to know how to prepare for board exams, NCERT books will help you. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of NCERT books and why they should be the primary choice for CBSE board exams.

Reasons for choosing NCERT Books for CBSE Board Exams:

Standardized Curriculum:

The NCERT books are written by highly qualified professionals and academicians, ensuring the content is of the highest standard. The curriculum is designed by the NCERT, a highly reputable institution that sets the standard for education in India. The NCERT books are updated regularly to ensure the content remains relevant and up-to-date.

Standardized Curriculum
Standardized Curriculum

Authentic Information:

Every book published by NCERT is designed and written by expert teachers and trainers. They undergo extensive research and source the information from reputed and authentic sources. Then it is even cross-checked by multiple professionals and finally goes into publishing.

Authentic Information
Authentic Information

Comprehensive Content:

The NCERT books cover the syllabus prescribed by the CBSE board, making them a one-stop solution for students. The books are well-structured and contain in-depth explanations of concepts, along with relevant examples and illustrations. The language used in the books is simple and easy to understand, which makes it easier for students to comprehend and retain the information.

Comprehensive Content
Comprehensive Content

Easy Availability:

NCERT books are easily available at any bookstore or online. They are affordable and widely used by schools across India, making them a popular choice for students.

In addition, NCERT also provides free online access to its textbooks, which makes them easily accessible to students who may not have access to physical copies of the books.

Easy Availability
Easy Availability

Uniformity in Education:

One of the most significant advantages of NCERT books is that they promote uniformity in education across the country. Since books are the same for all students, regardless of their location or economic background, they help to level the playing field and provide equal opportunities to all students. This is especially important for competitive exams with the same syllabus for all students.

Uniformity in Education
Uniformity in Education

Helps in Competitive Exams:

The NCERT books are an excellent resource for competitive exams like JEE, NEET, and other entrance exams. Since the content is comprehensive and covers the entire syllabus, students who have studied using NCERT books have a better understanding of the concepts and are better prepared for the exams.

In addition, many questions in competitive exams are directly based on NCERT concepts, which makes them a must-read for all students.

Helps in Competitive Exams
Helps in Competitive Exams

Builds Strong Foundation:

NCERT books provide a strong foundation for students, which is essential for their future academic and professional success. The books are designed to build a solid conceptual understanding of the subject, which helps students to think critically and apply their knowledge in real-life situations. This foundation is especially crucial for students who plan to pursue higher education in the field.

Builds Strong Foundation
Builds Strong Foundation

Improves Language Skills:

Since the language used in NCERT books is simple and easy to understand, it helps students to improve their language skills. Reading and understanding books enhance their vocabulary, comprehension, and communication skills. This is especially important for students who struggle with the language and need to improve their proficiency.

Improves Language Skills

Aligned with Board Exams:

The NCERT books are aligned with the CBSE board exams, meaning the content is designed to prepare students for the exams. The books contain questions and exercises that are similar to those that appear in the board exams, which helps students to familiarise themselves with the exam pattern and format. This familiarity makes it easier for them to perform well in the exams.

Aligned with Board Exams
Aligned with Board Exams

What is the best way to read NCERT Books for CBSE Board Exams? 

Here are some tips to help you read and get the benefits of NCERT books :

Understand the Syllabus:

Before starting to read NCERT books, it is essential to understand the syllabus and the topics covered in each chapter. Knowing the syllabus will help you plan your study schedule and priorities the topics that need more attention.

Read Actively:

Reading actively means engaging with the content while you read. It involves asking questions, making notes, and summarising the information in your own words. Actively reading NCERT books will help you understand the concepts better, retain the information longer, and improve your critical thinking skills.

Make Notes:

Making notes is an essential part of studying, especially for competitive exams. Writing down important points, formulas, and definitions in your own words will help you understand the concepts better and retain the information longer. You can also use different colours and highlighters to categorise the information and make it easier to revise.

Solve Exercise Questions:

NCERT books are known for their excellent exercise questions. Solving these questions will help you test your understanding of the concepts and improve your problem-solving skills. Make sure to solve all the questions, including the multiple-choice questions, as they can help you improve your speed and accuracy.

Practice Diagrams and Graphs:

Many NCERT chapters include diagrams, graphs, and tables. Understanding these visuals is crucial for understanding the concepts. Practice drawing these diagrams and graphs on your own, and label the different parts to help you remember the details.

Revise Regularly:

Regular revision is essential to remember the concepts for a longer time. Make a revision schedule and revise the chapters you have studied at regular intervals. This will help you retain the information longer and improve your recall ability.

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In conclusion, There are numerous benefits of NCERT books. So ,it is considered to be the best resource for CBSE board exams.. They provide a standardised curriculum and comprehensive content and promote uniformity in education across the country. They help to build a strong foundation for students and improve their language skills.

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