Exams are always terrifying to students, irrespective of the CBSE Board under which they are connected. Whenever students attempt tests, scores are the first thing on their minds. Scores occupy almost all the space in a student’s mind during CBSE Board exams. And if the evaluation process is strict, it robs their sleep too.
They dwell upon the books, cramming cover to cover, making notes, learning tricks, and implementing various hacks and advice to satisfy their scores. Here, since we are talking about the CBSE Board checking process, one key takeaway is that the checking process is not too strict under the board. The teachers are not too liberal, but they do not tighten the reins to fail the students either.
Is CBSE Board checking really tough?
The Board aims to achieve academic goals and meet the National benchmarks to raise the educational standards of the country. It also ensures stress-free education without compromising on quality.
By this, we can understand that the checking process will be moderate in its strictness while leaving enough room for students to raise their scores using appropriate learning methods to score well.
This means that the Board does not over-pressurize students with its rigorous evaluation, but it also does not compromise the quality and success in the qualification of affiliated students.

There is not one singular pattern of checking the students’ answer copies; rather, it depends upon the teacher who checks them. A teacher must check roughly 40-45 documents in 6-7 hours every day, and the evaluation process usually takes at least two months. So, the teachers will be devoted to the evaluation process.
Sometimes, it can also get exhausting, which is why some students score very well while some suffer a slight loss. But this is not something to excessively stress over. By adopting righteous learning methodologies, applying valuable tricks with proper preparation, and not leaving room for mistakes that can lead to mark deductions, students can rest assured that their exam evaluation process will be fair and hassle-free, per the Board.
The Board provides the teachers the guidelines adhering to which they are expected to evaluate the answer copies accordingly, along with model answers and other exam-related information for the students to help them perform better in the examinations.
Now, you don’t need to worry about the checking process as LiteraCentre provides you with the best CBSE tutors online to clear all your concepts and doubts to help you score maximum marks in the boards.
CBSE Board Guidelines For Teachers:

The CBSE Board issues specific guidelines in the form of a Handbook of Assessment and Evaluation for those who frame and develop tests and those who review and evaluate them.
This is to ensure the validity and reliability of the instrument of evaluation to achieve the academic goals of assessment. There has been an upgrade in the Board’s assessment and evaluation field.
The guidelines contain all the necessary information starting from the setting up of a copy-checking committee of teachers to the final announcement of results.
The Board selects highly experienced faculty members from various affiliated schools and forms a committee dedicated to copy evaluation in the stipulated time.
Each teacher is required to evaluate at least 40 copies in 6-7 hours every day for nearly two months. They are paid for each copy they evaluate as per the guidelines. The teachers are also provided with other amenities and facilities at their respective locations of paper evaluation.
The Board provides necessary training regarding the grading system and the entire evaluation process to the copy checkers so the goal is achieved diligently and transparently.
Answer Presentation:
There is no perfect answer or writing style to a question, and every student has a different way of writing answers. However, there are certain static rules in presenting an answer in the exam, and failing to do so deprives the students of their scores.
The ratio of teachers to the number of copies is very low since more than a million students of grades X and XII give Board exams every year.
Since there is already a huge workload on teachers, writing incomplete, violated, irrelevant, and inappropriate answers only bring a loss in scores.

A good answer must contain all the necessary headings, subheadings, important points, paragraphs, diagrams, flowcharts, graphs, etc. (wherever applicable), and a proper conclusion.
One must ensure that no steps are missed out on. Since every answer has a step marking system, missing out on essential points or steps leads to point deductions.
No Negative Marking:
There is no negative marking in the CBSE Board examinations. So, one can write answers stress-free by sticking to the other rules of answer writing, such as word limit, concision, and proper presentation, to score well.
Step Marking of Answers:

Under the guidelines issued by the CBSE Board, each answer is divided into a certain number of steps, each of which carries value points. Value Points are marks (can be ½, 1, 1½, 2, etc., depending upon the question) for each step.
Say a Math Question has five steps, each of which has 1 value point.
If all the steps are correctly written along with the final correct answer, max marks are awarded
If all the steps are correctly written, but the final answer is wrong somehow, the value point (here, one mark) for the final answer is deducted and vice versa.
Hence, only writing down all the steps along with the final correct answer gives max marks.
Click on the image to properly understand the step marking system.
Word Limits:
The CBSE Board has specified a word limit for each answer in the board exam, and it is mandatory to stick to the word limit to avoid penalties. Although the official CBSE guidelines say that no marks should be deducted for crossing the word limit if the answer is crisp, concise, and meaningful, it’s better to overshoot the limit only if required, such as if the answer will be complete in a few more words of a line or two.
Exceeding the word limit can endanger the amount of time for other answers since it takes longer to write one single answer leaving little time available for the rest. This affects other answers’ quality, which may result in point deductions and low scores. To avoid this, it is better to adhere to the word limit and plan the answer before writing, so it is logically oriented, organized, concise, and to the point.
Exam time is no doubt stressful, but with proper planning, active and up-to-date preparation, and helpful valuables and tricks, one can pass the exams with flying colors and good scores.
As important as it is to be aware of the exam pattern, syllabus, and updated schedule of the examinations, such as the exam dates and timings of each subject, it is equally important to adhere to the rules and guidelines of the Board while giving the examinations.
The board exams are right around the corner, students must be meticulous during exams. It is advisable to avoid making mistakes before and during the exams, refrain from malpractices and indulging in offences, and take only good and healthy food loaded with the right amount of nutrients to keep the body and mind fit and sharp to perform well.

It is a must to plan well in advance for the upcoming exams, catch up with weak and strong areas of subjects, revise diligently, cut down time spent on extracurricular activities at least 2-3 months before exams, exercise regularly, and plan for D-day.
Above all, keeping aside worries such as strictness and liberality of evaluation and staying calm and collected before and during the exam helps perform better than others in full sincerity and mindfulness.