DSAT Vs ACT: Which Test Is Right For You?


ACT » DSAT Vs ACT: Which Test Is Right For You?

A good number of high school students face a daunting decision when it comes to college admissions. Are you one of them? If yes, you are just at the right place!

It is no news that The DSAT vs ACT, two standardized tests that have become the gatekeepers of higher education, can make or break your chances of getting into your dream schools. 

But here is when a big question arises – which test is right for you? Don’t worry, we will help you make an informed decision about your academic future.

In this blog, we will dive into the battle of the giants: DSAT vs ACT, and unravel the mysteries behind these tests!

Before we explore their differences, similarities, and uncover the key factors, let’s start with the basics of these terms. 

What is DSAT?

In a significant development, the SAT transitioned from a paper-pencil format to a digital exam as of March 2023. 

The test duration was earlier 3 hours but now it is 2 hours and 14 minutes. The DSAT features a more concise format for its questions compared to the previous lengthy passages. Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on the DSAT offer students the flexibility to review and modify their selected answers, unlike the traditional OMR (Optical Mark Recognition) sheets, which often limited the ability to make extensive changes.

What is an ACT?

The ACT (American College Testing) exam is another standardized assessment taken by students seeking undergraduate admission opportunities abroad. 

Spanning a duration of 2 hours and 55 minutes, the ACT exam encompasses approximately 215 questions distributed across various sections. These sections consist of

  1. English
  2. Mathematics
  3. Reading
  4. Science
  5. Optional Writing section

Similar to the DSAT exam, the ACT holds extensive recognition among leading universities worldwide, including countries such as the USA, Canada, the UK, Italy, and others. It serves as a valuable tool for assessing students’ academic readiness and is widely accepted by prestigious institutions across the globe.

Similarities of DSAT vs ACT?

Although the DSAT vs ACT differs in their specific assessments, there are notable similarities between the two tests:

  1. Comprehensive Evaluation: Both tests provide colleges with a comprehensive understanding of student’s abilities and skills.
  2. Subject Coverage: The DSAT vs ACT assesses fundamental subjects such as reading, writing, and mathematics.
  3. Timing: Typically, students in their 3rd and 4th years of high school take these exams.
  4. Registration: Registration for both tests typically opens around one month before the test date.
  5. Acceptance: The majority of universities generally accept scores from either test.
  6. No Penalty for Wrong Answers: Students are not penalized for incorrect responses.
  7. Passage-based Questions: Both tests include questions based on passages for reading and writing sections.

DSAT Vs ACT: 5 Key Differences!

DSAT Vs ACT: 5 Key Differences!

Now that you know the definition and similarities of these tests, it is time to explore the differences. 

There are actually several differences but here are some important ones you must know about:

1. Time For Each Question:

Are you someone who dreads time constraints during exams? If so, you might lean towards the DSAT rather than the ACT. 

The DSAT offers more time per question compared to the ACT, alleviating the pressure of time crunches.

To provide a visual representation of the variations in time allocation per question, refer to the following chart. It demonstrates the differences in time per question in a specific section:

SECTIONTIME IN ACT (per question)TIME IN DSAT (total duration)
Reading53 seconds32 minutes
ACT English/DSAT Writing36 seconds32 minutes
Mathematics60 seconds70 minutes for two modules

So, it is clear that the DSAT Math section provides a significant advantage compared to the ACT Math section. With these extended time allowances, the DSAT offers a more manageable and less stress-inducing experience, particularly for those concerned about time management, especially in math-related questions.

2. Science Section:

One notable difference between the DSAT vs ACT is the presence of a dedicated science section in the ACT, while the DSAT does not have one.

As you already saw in the aforementioned chart, the ACT Science section consists of a total of 40 questions and lasts for 35 minutes. This section contributes to one-fourth of the total ACT score. If you enjoy science and prefer a section focused on scientific data, graphs, and hypotheses, the ACT may be a better choice for you.

On the other hand, the DSAT incorporates scientific concepts in a different way. You may encounter questions related to scientific passages, data, and charts within the Reading, Writing, and Math sections of the DSAT.

While the DSAT does not have a separate Science score like the ACT, it does include an Analysis of Science cross-test scores, which is one of the subscores provided on the DSAT. However, it’s important to note that most schools prioritize the ACT Science score over the DSAT subscores when considering applications.

3. Chronological Questions in Reading Passages:

In the DSAT Reading section, the questions are presented in chronological order that matches the sequence of the passage they relate to. 

However, in the ACT Reading section, the questions can be organized randomly and may not follow the content order of the passages.

To put it simply, DSAT Reading questions are generally more straightforward to follow and answer compared to ACT Reading questions. 

The chronological arrangement of questions in the DSAT can also save you time, as you don’t have to search the entire passage to find the specific area being referred to by a question.

4. Essays Are Optional:

One notable distinction between the DSAT vs ACT is the optional essay component. While the ACT includes an essay section that you can choose to take, the DSAT no longer offers an additional essay as of summer 2021.

If you opt to take the essay portion of the ACT, you will be presented with a short passage discussing a particular issue. Your task will be to analyze different perspectives on the issue and provide your own opinion on the matter.

This optional writing section requires not only strong reading comprehension skills to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the author’s argument but also effective rhetorical skills. 

If you decide to complete this portion of the ACT, you must be capable of effectively comparing and contrasting various perspectives on the issue and supporting your opinion with substantial evidence.

5. Calculator Option in Mathematics: 

In contrast to the ACT, where you are allowed to use a calculator for all Math questions, the SAT includes a Math “No Calculator” subsection where calculator usage is not permitted. 

If you struggle with solving math problems quickly or without a calculator, you may find ACT Math more suitable than SAT Math. 

However, if you have confidence in your math skills and can work efficiently without a calculator, the SAT is a viable choice.

It’s important to note that on both the ACT and SAT, you can technically solve all math questions without a calculator. 

Thus, the No Calculator questions on the SAT are not significantly different from the Calculator questions. 

However, the No Calculator questions are designed to be more reasoning-based and generally require less reliance on arithmetic calculations.

Which is Easier, the DSAT vs ACT?

Many individuals seek to choose the test that offers a higher chance of achieving a strong score, while others argue that the ACT is easier due to its lower scoring scale.

However, both tests serve as academic benchmarks for universities to assess students’ abilities. In terms of difficulty, they are comparable, presenting a similar level of challenge. This viewpoint is commonly supported by colleges, as they often state that both tests are equally demanding.

It’s important to approach both tests with preparation and dedication to maximize your potential for success.

No matter what you choose, remember that Litera Centre has got your back. The top-notch online education platform is known for its excellent guidance for DSAT vs ACT examinations. With Litera Centre, you will find no difficulty in cracking DSAT as well as ACT. So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with our experts and unlock success for your academic future. 

Why Choose Litera Centre for SAT Test Prep?

Dedicated, Result-oriented, and Highly-flexible – Litera Centre is the first choice for thousands of students. All our tutors have years of teaching experience besides being eminently qualified. Our well-defined strategy intends to make learning easier and more interesting for knowledge seekers.

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