A Level psychology is a fascinating subject that explores the human mind and behavior. It covers a wide range of topics, such as memory, attachment, social influence, abnormality, and biopsychology. It is also a challenging subject that requires a lot of hard work and dedication to achieve a high grade.
In this article, we will share some strategies on how to score an A* in A Level psychology, based on advice from experts and successful students.
Understand the Specification and Assessment Objectives:
The first step to scoring an A* in A Level psychology is to understand the specification and the assessment objectives. The specification is the document that outlines the content and skills that you need to learn for the exam.
It also provides the structure and format of the exam papers, the types of questions, and the mark schemes. You can find the specifications for your exam board on their website or ask your teacher for a copy.
The assessment objectives are the criteria that the examiners use to mark your answers. They are divided into three levels: AO1, AO2, and AO3.
AO1 is about demonstrating knowledge and understanding of psychological concepts, theories, research studies, and methods. AO2 is about applying your knowledge and understanding to various contexts, scenarios, and issues. AO3 is about analyzing, evaluating, and synthesizing psychological information, arguments, and evidence. You need to show a balance of all three assessment objectives in your answers to score an A* in A Level psychology.
Tips to score an A* in A Level Psychology:

Revise the Content and Key Studies:
The second step to scoring an A* in A Level psychology is to revise the content and key studies. You need to have a solid grasp of the core topics and the optional topics that you have chosen for your exam.
You also need to know the key studies that support or challenge the theories and concepts in each topic. The key studies are the empirical evidence that you will use to illustrate and evaluate the points in your answers.
To revise the content and key studies, you can use a variety of methods, such as:
- Reading your textbook, notes, and revision guides.
- Make flashcards, mind maps, or summaries of the main points.
- Watching videos, podcasts, or documentaries that explain the topics.
- Doing past papers, practice questions, or quizzes to test your knowledge and understanding.
- Joining study groups, forums, or online A Level Psychology tuitions to discuss and share ideas with other students.
You should revise the content and key studies regularly and in small chunks, rather than cramming everything at the last minute. You should also review your mistakes and feedback, and identify your strengths and weaknesses. This will help you to improve your performance and confidence.
Develop Your Skills and Techniques:
The third step to scoring an A* in A Level psychology is to develop your skills and techniques. You need to have the skills and techniques to answer the different types of questions in the exam, such as multiple choice, short answer, essay, and research methods. You also need to have the skills and techniques to plan, structure, and write your answers effectively and efficiently.
To develop your skills and techniques, you can use the following tips:
- Read the question carefully and identify the keywords, command words, and marks allocated.
- Plan your answer using bullet points, diagrams, or outlines.
- Structure your answer using paragraphs, headings, and subheadings.
- Write your answer using clear and concise language, psychological terms, and examples.
- Use the PEEL technique to make your points, explain them, provide evidence, and link them back to the question.
- Use the AQA technique to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize the evidence, arguments, and perspectives.
- Cite the sources of your evidence using the APA referencing style.
- Check your answer for accuracy, relevance, coherence, and completeness.
You should practice your skills and techniques by doing mock exams, timed questions, or peer assessments. You should also use the mark schemes, examiner reports, and model answers to check your work and learn from the best examples.
Manage Your Time and Stress:
The fourth step to scoring an A* in A Level psychology is to manage your time and stress. You need to have a realistic and effective study plan that covers all the topics and skills that you need to revise. You also need to have a balanced and healthy lifestyle that supports your well-being and motivation.
To manage your time and stress, you can use the following tips:
- Establish time-bound, relevant, measurable, attainable, and specific goals (SMARTs).
- Divide your work into smaller, more doable portions.
- Sort your jobs into priority lists based on their urgency and importance.
- Utilize a planner, calendar, or app to record your tasks and deadlines.
- Give yourself a reward when you finish your work and reach your objectives.
- Take regular breaks and avoid distractions.
- Get enough sleep, exercise, and nutrition.
- Seek support from your family, friends, teachers, or counselors if you feel overwhelmed or anxious.
Review and Reflect on Your Learning:
The fifth step to scoring an A* in A Level psychology is to review and reflect on your learning. You need to monitor and evaluate your learning process and outcomes and identify your strengths and areas for improvement. You also need to use feedback and self-assessment to enhance your understanding and performance.
To review and reflect on your learning, you can use the following tips:
- Review your notes and summaries after each study session.
- Use active recall and spaced repetition techniques to consolidate your memory.
- Use metacognition and self-regulation strategies to monitor and control your learning.
- Seek and act on feedback from your teachers, peers, or online sources.
- Use self-assessment tools such as checklists, rubrics, or quizzes to measure your progress and gaps.
- Use reflection journals, logs, or portfolios to document your learning journey and insights.
- To determine your advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, and threats, do a SWOT analysis.
Prepare for the Exam Day:
The sixth and final step to scoring an A* in A Level psychology is to prepare for the exam day. You need to have a clear and confident mindset that will help you to perform at your best. You also need to have a practical and logistical plan that will ensure that you are ready and comfortable for the exam.
To prepare for the exam day, you can use the following tips:
- Revise the key points and concepts the day before the exam.
- Refrain from studying or cramming at the last minute.
- Relax and do something that you enjoy or that calms you down.
- Get a good night’s sleep and wake up early.
- Eat a healthy and balanced breakfast and drink enough water.
- Check the exam date, time, venue, and rules.
- Pack your exam essentials such as your ID, stationery, calculator, and watch.
- Arrive at the exam venue early and find your seat.
- Read the exam instructions and questions carefully and plan your time.
- Stay focused and positive throughout the exam.
- Verify your responses to ensure you have addressed every question.
A Level psychology is a rewarding and enjoyable subject that can open up many opportunities for your future. However, it is also a demanding and competitive subject that requires a lot of preparation and effort to achieve a high grade.
By following the strategies in this article, you can improve your chances of scoring an A* in A Level psychology. For any assistance on online A Level Psychology tutoring, contact Litera Centre! We would love to help you in the journey.