Students are required to complete several written tasks as part of the curriculum for the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma program. These assignments must be explained clearly to students so they can understand what they mean.
As an IB student, you must understand these terms and how they relate to the various written assignments.
Importance of IA, EE and TOK in IBDP:
In addition to the IB Diploma Program, you will need to earn a passing score on either the IA/EE or TOK examination. These are essential since they are factored into the overall grade you receive on the IBDP and the score you receive on your diploma.
The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) consists of three parts: language, literature/creative writing, and mathematics. However, students are only allowed to take two exams per module: Language and Literature or Creative Writing (one per module).
Marking scheme of all three:

The marking scheme of all three is the same. IA, EE, and TOK are marked on a scale of 1-5. This means that if you receive your mark in any of these three subjects, it will be out of five points.
TOK is not marked out of 5; instead, it is kept on a scale from 1 to 7.
IB Grade Scale:
7 – Excellent
6 – Very Good
5 – Good
4 – Satisfactory
3 – Mediocre
2 – Poor
1 – Very Poor
(The data below is taken from the 2021 Diploma Programme Assessment processes.)
- Six subjects must be studied at standard and advanced levels (SL and HL). Additionally, students must finish the “core,” which consists of an extended essay, CAS (creativity, action, service), and TOK (theory of knowledge) (EE).
- Each subject is given a grade between 1 and 7, with seven being the highest. When deciding whether to provide a diploma, these grades are also utilized as points (7 points for a grade 7, etc.).
- The grades for TOK and EE range from A to E, with A being the highest mark. These two grades are merged in the graduation points matrix to add 0 to 3 points. Although CAS is not graded, completion is required to earn the diploma. See paragraph A7.7.
- Therefore, 45 ((6 7) + 3) total points from subject grades and TOK/EE can be calculated. The curriculum must be completed with a minimum of 24 points to receive a diploma.
The following extra conditions apply:
- The CAS requirements have been met.
- For TOK, the EE, or a contributing subject, no “N” is given.
- No grade E is provided for TOK and EE.
- In a subject or level, a grade of 1 is not given.
- There can only be two grade 2s given out (HL or SL).
- At most, three degrees 3 or lower are given (HL or SL).
- The candidate has improved by at least 12 points in HL topics (for candidates who register for four HL subjects, the three highest grades count).
- The candidate has improved by at least 9 points on SL subjects (candidates who register for two SL subjects must gain at least 5 points at SL).
- The Final Award Committee has not imposed a sanction on the candidate for academic dishonesty.
- Six subjects are required, including TOK, EE, and CAS. In addition to grade requirements, they must obtain at least 24 points from assessments in these courses.
- They must satisfy all of the above-mentioned additional requirements.
- They have three examination sessions, maximum, to complete their task.
- Candidates who satisfactorily fulfill these requirements will be given the diploma.
- A bilingual diploma may be available to applicants who take the diploma exam in multiple languages.
Submissions and deadlines of the same:
EE Submission 2022/2023:
Generally, the due dates for submitting all extended essays this 2022 are the 15th of March for the May exam session and the 15th of September for the November session. These dates correspond to the May and November exam sessions.
The International Baccalaureate (IB) does, however, permit institutions to establish early due dates and internal deadlines for the various stages of creating the extended essay (EE).
It is primarily the responsibility of the educational institutions to see to it that the IB has every candidate’s work on or before the deadline for submissions. It is best to contact your IB school immediately if you have any questions regarding the EE submission dates.
TOK Submission 2022/2023:
Students have no IBO submission deadline. It just tells schools how and when to submit all paperwork to the organization. Your school must cooperate for an end run. After learning about their policies and procedures, you can better comprehend what to do.
Schools establish deadlines. They accept contributions till a certain point. To stay on track, you need all the information.
After that, you can organize your TOK essay and work to finish on time. Student planning is crucial. If you work hard, you can meet deadlines.
The TOK essay involves day-planning. To score well, first, comprehend the essay’s distinctive structure. You also need good examples to achieve well.
TOK can be done well with good planning and execution. Work within the timeframe.
Extra Points to remember:
The TOK essay is submitted in November and May each year. Thus, first, consider your timeframe. You’ll grasp these concepts better. You are choosing an IBO-prescribed TOK title.
Your school checks your essay. Thus, you need all the facts. It may take days. This follows school procedures. To learn more, contact your school first.
Your essay will only count with school verification. First, contact your IB school for information. They will help you understand everything.
What are the tricks to getting the highest score?

Making a plan and organizing a project:
When it comes to completing scholarly writing projects, organization is essential because IB students must approach all written examinations with the same level of seriousness. It is common for IB students to scramble at the eleventh hour regarding their written tasks, which can be avoided by being more prepared and well-organized.
Pupils must establish their own goals and deadlines. In addition to assisting them in planning, it demonstrates a commitment to their IB tasks, which is very important in situations where one wants to stay caught up. Especially when there are several additional classes and assignments to complete during both years of the IB program.
For students to avoid undue stress, they need to ensure that they are keeping up with the due dates of their IB assignments in the correct chronological order.
Critical thinking skills:
When students’ writings exhibit evidence of critical thinking, their credibility increases significantly. As a consequence of this, they will be able to present evidence that demonstrates their comprehension of the material at hand.
People constantly working to improve their thinking demonstrate the ability to create judgments through critical thinking. It is the purpose of all academic writing to equip students with powers that will be necessary for the continuation of their education, and this is the ultimate goal of all academic writing.
Integrity in academics:
Academic honesty is a crucial component of both the teaching and learning processes involved in inquiry-based learning. The written examinations that are a part of the IBDP are where it shines the brightest.
Students should go to public and school libraries if they have specific issues with referencing their sources.
IB Students Globally:
Students who are not native speakers of English but want their assignments to be written in this language frequently struggle to discover suitable sentence structure and pronunciation when writing their jobs.
When the students are reviewing their work, and before turning in their assignments, they may seek assistance from their language professors if available.
It is essential to schedule a meeting with the school’s learning support department, which employs people trained to offer help, as soon as possible. The student will benefit from using the library’s resources to find information pertinent to their writing tasks.
Using mentors:
Every student working on an IB Extended Essay is given a mentor, and they must stay in close contact with their mentor throughout the research and writing process, as well as up until the point at which they hand in their assignment.
Students need to use this service, which allows them to consult mentors for guidance on obtaining any feedback they may require.
IB students must spend a significant amount of time in the library. It is the mission of both classroom teachers and academic librarians to support students in achieving their academic potential.
Teachers and librarians collaborate to ensure that students have the skills necessary to communicate effectively, evaluate the credibility of information on the internet, and distinguish between various online sources. The work of librarians is vital.
Resources for Doing Research:
Most students’ online research for their assignments is conducted on Google. However, they strongly recommend using other criteria tools such as The CRAP Test (currency, reliability, authority, and purpose) to determine if a website can be trusted, allowing them to find high-quality and credible online resources while saving them time. This test will determine whether or not a website can be trusted.
How does Litera Centre help students get the best scores?
Litera Centre, an online school, has hired some of the best teachers and experts in their fields to give its students a high-quality education. So far, all of our students have passed, and we’ve helped more than 2,250 of them get great test scores.
We help students prepare for their IGCSE, AS, and A Level tests online. Our advantages are
- By giving our students custom sample papers, we give them the chance to take part in a perfect simulation of a real exam.
- Trying to answer all of the students’ questions until they have a good grasp of the subject
- Giving our students complete, interactive, and useful study materials is important to us.
- We also offer one-on-one online sessions for our IGCSE students, which are led and taught by our knowledgeable tutors.
The only way to know what will happen in the future is to build it. Let Litera Centre help you make a bright, happy, and successful future.
Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs)
When Is the Tok Essay Due 2024?
The Deadline for The 2024 Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Essay Can Differ Based On the School or Educational Institution. To Get the Precise Deadline, It’s Recommended to Check with Your School’s TOK Coordinator or The International Baccalaureate (IB) Coordinator.
When Is the Tok Essay Due?
The Deadline for Submitting Your TOK Essay Depends On Your School or Educational Institution. For The Exact Deadline, It’s Best to Check with Your School’s TOK Coordinator or The International Baccalaureate (IB) Coordinator.
How Are Tok and Ee Points Calculated?
The Scoring for TOK and EE Is Determined by The International Baccalaureate (IB) Using A Matrix. Points Are Allocated Based On the Grades Earned in The TOK Essay and Presentation, As Well as The Extended Essay. The EE Can Earn Up to 3 Points, While The TOK Essay and Presentation Combined Can Also Earn Up To 3 Points. These Scores Are Added to Determine the Overall Diploma Programme Score.