11 Tips to write answers in CBSE board exams


Exam » 11 Tips to write answers in CBSE board exams


Exams for the Class 10 and Class 12 CBSE Boards are essential since they teach you how to handle challenging circumstances, manage time, handle pressure, and solve problems. Because the CBSE boards are so significant in determining your future, doing well on these tests is essential. 

You can also look at the CBSE exam syllabus. Excellent preparation is essential, but so is how you record your learning. No matter how much time you spend studying or how well you prepare, your efforts will be useless if you lack the necessary writing skills.

Writing excellent answers is also essential for receiving high marks. We have compiled a list of tips that you can use to answer the questions in the CBSE examinations as well as you can to help you do your best:

1. Carefully use the additional 15 minutes to understand the Question Paper:

Understand the Question Paper
Understand the Question Paper

The CBSE gives its students an extra 15 minutes to finish their board exams. Students are given this extra time so that they can read the questions carefully before they start writing. Students can devise a plan in their heads to do the paper right without getting stressed out. So, students need to use these 15 minutes wisely to formulate a plan to take their test quickly and correctly.

Students should use the 15 extra minutes they get before their tests start. Each question is divided into one of three groups depending on how sure you are.

Category 1: Very sure of yourself

Category 2: Somewhat sure of yourself

Category 3: Don’t feel sure

Start with the questions in category 1. This will save you time for questions that are harder to answer.

After that, move on to category 2 and then category 3. This will help you make the best use of your time and give you enough time to answer questions you are sure to get right.

2. Prioritize Questions in CBSE Board Exams:

Prioritizing your questions is the best way to ensure you cover all essential topics and leave no stone unturned. It’s also a good idea to track which questions are most difficult for you personally. 

You can do this by marking little stickers next to each question on your exam paper so that when it comes time to look at your answers, you’ll know which ones are most important or challenging.

Remember: Prioritizing marks helps ensure students give their best effort during exams rather than wasting time on questions they don’t understand well enough or trying too hard on those which aren’t worth as much as others might seem at first glance.

Prioritize Questions in CBSE Board Exams
Prioritize Questions in CBSE Board Exams

3. Circle Or Tick The Attempted Questions:

Circle Or Tick The Attempted Questions
Circle Or Tick The Attempted Questions

The best way to answer any question is by first understanding what it asks. This will help you decide whether or not you should attempt the question and which answer option would be most appropriate for your situation.

Before attempting a question, read through both options carefully to know which makes more sense for your circumstances.

If an option seems out of left field or doesn’t apply to your situation, feel free to select anything but the most obvious choice. It’s better than guessing.

Once again, circle all questions that were attempted (and answered) correctly. Tick every single one. 

4. Write Direct To-The-Point Answers:

Carefully read the question and comprehend its intent. Try to restrict your response to the question’s requirements and avoid writing lengthy paragraphs discussing irrelevant material. Justify your replies to the left.

For instance, if you are asked, “Define soil erosion,” you are expected to write the definition of soil erosion, not its causes or effects, which most students include to make their answers longer. Most pupils believe that the longer their response, the higher their grade.

However, this is nonsensical because the examiner is only interested in valid reasons, not narratives.

Write Direct To-The-Point Answers
Write Direct To-The-Point Answers

5. Don’t use jargon, and avoid short-forms in answers:

Avoid short forms in answers
Avoid short forms in answers
  • Don’t use jargon. The word “jargon” means a unique language that only people in a particular field use, and it’s a turnoff for most students. Be sure to explain what you mean using precise language rather than technical terms or abbreviations that will need to be clarified for your readers.
  • Don’t use short forms or idioms, not in the question paper (e.g., “my best friend”). You should also avoid using words not found in any other part of your answer sheet (e.g., “computer”).
  • If there are multiple answers with similar meanings, use different words in each one so they don’t look like they have been copied from each other. Also, try avoiding short forms like “RTFM” as it looks more informal than just typing out exactly what someone needs/wants/needs help with, etc (which might lead people who read the answer to think about how much effort went into writing such an elaborate explanation).

6. Don’t turn the answer sheet into a drawing book:

Don’t draw on the answer sheet. This is obvious, and you can probably guess why this is bad. By drawing on your test paper, you are telling the teachers that they don’t matter and that there’s no point in looking at your grade because yours is going to be just as bad as anyone else’s anyway (unless you’re the sort of person who likes to spend time drawing). 

It could be more hygienic. Pencils and pens leave behind lint which can cause infections in those with allergies or asthma-like problems. Highlighters are even worse because they’re made from phosphorescent ink, which glows under ultraviolet light. Markers contain chemicals like benzene, so if someone sneezes near one while taking their test, all sorts of nasty stuff gets released into people’s lungs.

Don't turn the answer sheet into a drawing book
Don’t turn the answer sheet into a drawing book

7. Space out each word properly:

Space out each word properly
Space out each word properly

It is essential to ensure that your words are spaced appropriately between them. The number of comments on one line should be at most ten. It will be difficult for examiners to read such overlapping terms because of their difficulty reading them. 

As a result of this, your grades may suffer as a result. Your document should appear organized and tidy. Make sure the responses are formatted as points. It is not a good idea to group all the sentences. Before and after each question, leave at least two lines empty. 

When you need to add to your response later, doing this will also be helpful. If you do this, you will only have a disorganized answer script. Make sure you do not leave any gaps between parts of sentences or parts of paragraphs (e.g., “She likes reading” vs “She likes reading books”).

8. Don’t panic in Your CBSE Board Exams:

You can only be expected to always know a limited number of things. There is a chance that you will get some questions that are outside your area of expertise. You shouldn’t freak out or be scared in situations like this. 

Because doing so can hurt your brain and make you feel mentally drained. You will need to find the answers to questions you used to know. Keep your cool and think about what you want to write.

You’ll have a lot of time to think about the questions and come up with answers. To keep yourself feeling strong and confident, all you need to do is act smartly at all times..

Don’t panic
Don’t panic

9. Make Sure to Attempt Everything:

Make Sure to Attempt Everything
Make Sure to Attempt Everything

There is no provision for deducting points from the total score for incorrect answers in board exams. Since you have nothing to lose by responding to the questions you find confusing, there is no need to be frightened. 

Carefully read the question that was asked. Please read the question once again. Make an effort to grasp the nature of the question as well as the requirements it imposes. If you already know the answer, write it down. 

You should use your intelligence to make an educated assumption if you don’t know. Examiners are constantly seeking acceptable technical terminology or keywords that they might use to award you points.

10. Avoid Overwriting & Use Clear Language:

Don’t write too much. Use precise language, and don’t use short forms. Use the same style of writing all the time. Keep from casual to formal, depending on the situation. Use the same font for all of your answers. 

Use the same margin size and line spacing throughout your answer set. If you don’t have enough space on either side of an answer, try starting each new paragraph with indented text or adding hanging punctuation marks to make it look like there is white space than there is!

Avoid Overwriting
Avoid Overwriting

11. Don’t Forget to Revise your CBSE Board Exams Answers:

Don't Forget to Revise
Don’t Forget to Revise

Revise your answers. You’ve read the question but need clarification on what it means. If this is the case, revise your answer by asking yourself: “What do I know about this?” or “How would I solve this problem?”

Use the same techniques in CBSE board exams as you did while solving previous questions. Why? Because they worked before and they’ll work again!

You know how to approach an exam question well enough now; don’t change these habits just because there are new questions on the board.

Review with a friend or teacher if possible (or even better yet, do both!). Now, you don’t need to worry about the revision as LiteraCentre provides you with the best CBSE tuition online to clear all your concepts and doubts for the boards. This will help identify any areas where there may be confusion between one another’s responses and give them a chance to offer advice when needed!


Writing answers for CBSE board exams can be daunting for many students. With the pressure of getting high marks, it is easy to miss important points and fail to give an adequate answer.

However, with the right approach and an understanding of the marking system, students can quickly maximize their marks in their exams. 

To help students excel in their board exams, here are some essential tips for writing practical answers in CBSE board exams. These tips include structuring your solutions, using relevant examples, and proofreading your work. With these tips, students can be sure to get the most out of their board exams.

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