Look at Format and Curriculum of the Syllabus of NEET 2023


Neet » Look at Format and Curriculum of the Syllabus of NEET 2023

The syllabus of NEET 2023 includes Class 11 and Class 12 Science stream subjects: Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Same syllabus as last year. NTA released the Syllabus of NEET 2023 PDF, along with the notification and information bulletin on March 6. 

Parents have raised concerns about the NEET 2023 syllabus, and the President of IWPA has written to the Education Ministry for clarification on its relationship with the rationalised NCERT syllabus. NTA officials clarified that NEET 2023 exam syllabus will not change despite the revised NCERT syllabus, as stated in the information bulletin. “An NTA official stated that not all Boards have rationalised the content. 

The syllabus of NEET 2023 includes Physics, Chemistry and Biology for medical aspirants.” Class 10 to Class 12 topics in three subjects will be part of the NEET UG syllabus. Students can have common preparation for Board exams and NEET UG. NTA states the NEET syllabus same as the Board exams. Here, we’ve split NEET 2023 syllabus into Class 11 and 12 subjects. Includes NEET syllabus and expert-suggested books list.

Syllabus of NEET 2023 Comprehensive Subject and Topic-Wise Breakdown

NEET 2023 aspirants must know the syllabus and question distribution across subjects and topics. Thorough knowledge is vital for success in this tough exam. The exam has three subjects: Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (Zoology and Botany). 

Candidates need to know the Syllabus of NEET 2023 and the topic breakdown to plan effectively. Prioritize high-weightage topics in each subject. For example, in Physics, focus on Optics, Electrostatics, and Thermodynamics. Biology highlights Genetics and Evolution, and Human Physiology. 

Understanding subject-wise weightage is important. Biology has the most questions, followed by Chemistry and Physics. Know the syllabus and weightage to build confidence and avoid exam nerves. NEET aspirants should study the subject and topic-wise syllabus for better preparation.

Physics Syllabus of NEET 2023

Physical World and MeasurementUnits and dimensions, error analysis, measurement of physical quantities
KinematicsMotion in one dimension and two dimensions, uniform and non-uniform motion, projectile motion
Laws of MotionNewton’s laws of motion, dynamics of uniform circular motion, friction
Work, Energy and PowerWork done by a constant and variable force, kinetic and potential energy, power
The behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic TheoryCentre of mass, the motion of the centre of mass of a system of particles, the angular velocity and acceleration of a rigid body, the moment of inertia, theorems of parallel and perpendicular axes
GravitationThe motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body
Properties of Bulk MatterElastic behaviour, stress-strain relationship, Hooke’s law, bulk modulus, shear modulus, viscosity, Poisson’s ratio, thermal expansion, heat transfer, calorimetry
ThermodynamicsWork, heat, the first law of thermodynamics, the second law of thermodynamics, reversible and irreversible processes, Carnot engine and its efficiency
The motion of the System of Particles and Rigid BodyEquation of state of a perfect gas, kinetic theory of gases, the kinetic interpretation of temperature, the root mean square speed of gas molecules, the concept of pressure
Oscillations and WavesPeriodic motion, simple harmonic motion, damped and forced oscillations, resonance, wave motion, types of waves, superposition principle, standing waves, the speed of sound in gases, Doppler effect

The Physics Syllabus of NEET 2023 covers mechanics, thermodynamics, properties of matter, oscillations and waves, and kinetic theory of gases. NEET aspirants should understand the Syllabus of NEET to plan and prioritize their studies based on topic weightage. 

The syllabus covers Physics introduction, motion, laws of motion, work, energy, power, and bulk matter properties, with emphasis on thermodynamics and gas theory. “Oscillations and waves are keys in Physics Syllabus of NEET 2023.”

Chemistry Syllabus of NEET 2023

Subject: ChemistryTopicsDescription
Physical ChemistryStates of MatterAtomic structure, properties of matter, states of matter, chemical bonding and molecular structure, laws of thermodynamics
The equilibrium constant, Le Chatelier’s principle, ionic equilibriumGaseous state, liquid state, solid-state
Chemical thermodynamicsBasic Principles of Organic Chemistry
Chemical equilibriumEnthalpy, entropy, Gibb’s free energy, spontaneity, the equilibrium constant
Redox reactions and electrochemistryRedox reactions, electrolytic and galvanic cells, Faraday’s laws
Surface chemistryAdsorption, absorption, colloids, emulsions
Chemical kineticsRate of reactions, order of reactions, Arrhenius equation
Organic ChemistryBasic principles of Organic ChemistryNomenclature, isomerism, electronic effects, resonance, acidity and basicity, types of organic reactions
HydrocarbonsAlkanes, alkenes, alkynes, aromatic hydrocarbons
Organic compounds containing halogensHaloalkanes and haloarenes
Organic compounds containing oxygenAlcohols, phenols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids
Organic compounds containing nitrogenAmines, diazonium salts
PolymersClassification, methods of polymerization, copolymers
BiomoleculesCarbohydrates, proteins, enzymes, vitamins, nucleic acids
Chemistry in everyday lifeDrugs, medicines, cleansing agents, food preservation
Inorganic ChemistryClassification of elements and periodicity in propertiesElectronic configuration, periodic properties, chemical bonding
HydrogenProperties, uses, hydrides
s-block elements (alkali and alkaline earth metals)Properties, reactions, uses
p-block elementsBoron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, neon
d- and f-block elementsGeneral properties, electronic configuration, oxidation states
Coordination compoundsNomenclature, isomerism, bonding, stability
Environmental ChemistryEnvironmental pollution, atmospheric pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, industrial waste

The present tabular presentation provides a comprehensive enumeration of the thematic areas addressed by the Chemistry Syllabus of NEET 2023, including the corresponding chapters prescribed in both Class 11 and 12. 

The subject matter under consideration is broadly categorized into distinct branches which include Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry. The chapters pertaining to the topics of Class 11 and Class 12 are respectively delineated in the second and third columns.

Biology Syllabus of NEET 2023

Diversity in Living WorldIntroduction to living organisms, biological classification, biodiversity, taxonomy, and evolution.
Structural Organization in PlantsStudy of anatomy and morphology of plants, tissues, and plant organs.
Structural Organization in AnimalsStudy of anatomy and morphology of animals, tissues, organs, and organ systems.
Cell Structure and FunctionStudy of cell structure, functions, and organelles, cell cycle, and cell division.
Plant PhysiologyStudy of the physiology of plants, including water relations, mineral nutrition, photosynthesis, and growth.
Human PhysiologyStudy of human physiology, including digestion, breathing, blood circulation, excretion, and muscle function.
ReproductionSexual and asexual reproduction, reproductive health, and related processes in plants and animals.
Genetics and EvolutionLaws of inheritance, molecular genetics, DNA replication and transcription, genetic disorders, and evolution.
Biology and Human WelfareStudy of common human diseases, immunology, microbes, and their interactions with humans.
Biotechnology and Its ApplicationsPrinciples of biotechnology, genetic engineering, and their applications in medicine, agriculture, and industry.

The table shows the NEET 2023 Biology syllabus, divided into Botany and Zoology. It lists necessary topics like Cell Biology, Ecology, Genetics, and more. 

The NEET Biology syllabus covers 11th and 12th standard curriculum topics, with the table providing weightage for prioritizing study. A strong biology concept foundation is key to success in the exam. There isn’t really a way to shorten this text as it is a repetition of the same sequence of numbers.

Download NEET UG Post Year Question Papers:

In Summary

NEET is a highly competitive medical entrance exam in India. Aspiring medical students must know the exam pattern and syllabus for effective NEET preparation. NEET 2023 syllabus covers Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, based on the CBSE syllabus of classes 11th and 12th. It includes various topics with differing weightage. 

Biology carries the most weight, split into Botany and Zoology. Physics and Chemistry each hold significant importance and require a strong grasp of fundamental concepts. Understanding the NEET syllabus helps prioritize preparation. Refer to official materials for better comprehension of the exam pattern. 

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