CBSE Syllabus for class XIIth Maths
CBSE Syllabus for class 12th Maths (2023-2024) Three hoursMax Marks: 80 No. Units Marks I Relations and Functions 08 II Algebra 10 III Calculus 35 IV Vectors and Three-Dimensional Geometry 14 V Linear Programming 05 VI Probability 08 Total 80 Internal assessment 20 Unit-I: Relations and Functions Relations and Functions Types of relations: reflexive, […]
CBSE Syllabus for class XIth Maths
CBSE Syllabus for Class XIth Maths (2023-2024) Three hoursMax Marks: 80 NO. UNITS MARKS I Sets and functions 23 II Algebra 25 III Coordinate Geometry 12 IV Calculus 08 V Statistics and Probability 12 VI Internal assessment 20 TOTAL 80 Unit-I: Sets and Functions 1. Sets Sets and their representations, Empty set, Finite and Infinite […]
CBSE Syllabus For Class 10th Maths
CBSE Syllabus for Class Xth (2023-2024) Three hoursMax Marks: 80 No. Units Marks I Number Systems 06 II Algebra 20 III Coordinate Geometry 06 IV Geometry 15 V Trigonometry 12 VI Mensuration 10 VI Statistics and Probability 11 Total 80 Unit-I: Number Systems 1. Real Numbers Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic – statements after reviewing work […]
CBSE Syllabus For Class 9th Maths
CBSE Syllabus for Class IXth (2023-2024) Three hoursMax Marks: 80 No. Units Marks I Number Systems 10 II Algebra 20 III Coordinate Geometry 04 IV Geometry 27 V Mensuration 13 VI Statistics 06 TOTAL 80 Unit-I: Number Systems 1. Real Numbers Unit- II: Algebra 1. Polynomials Definition of a polynomial in one variable, with examples […]